Coastal Living Community Management, LLC
Serving Condominiums and Homeowner Associations at the Space Coast
Maintenance Request
DBAC, Inc. dba Dolphin Beach Apartment Condominium
Quick Reminders:
Individual condo units are generally the responsibility of the Owner (or your Property Manager). However, depending on the type of maintenance needed, our maintenance service provider may be able to help.
In Case of an Emergency:
For emergencies like Fire, Health or Safety, you should always call 911 and they will assess and dispatch the appropriate services to support you and/or your guests.
For a building emergency (for example, a burst pipe, water dripping from the ceiling, open flames, sparks from an outlet or electrical panel, etc.) please call and text the Community Association Manager (CAM), Coastal Living at 321-693-5225. Please be prepared to provide the following information:
Brief description of the emergency
Date and time the emergency was identified.
Location where the emergency is happening.
Any other relevant information that may be important to ensure this emergency can be quickly addressed and resolved.